Letoltes Before I Ever Met You By Karina Halle Pdf Ebook

Letoltes Before I Ever Met You By Karina Halle Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

I first met William McAlister when I was just a teenager.
He was handsome, had a beautiful wife and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner. Mr. McAlister was full of smooth charm, but back then he was barely a blip on my radar. Just a family friend.
Fast forward ten years: I’m 25 years old and a single mom trying to make things right for her seven-year old son. I’ve made some mistakes, grappled with my demons and now I’m back in the city of Vancouver, getting a second chance at a better life.
I’ve started by working for my father’s production company as an executive assistant. My first day on the job and I already know I could have a promising career there.
That is until I see Will McAlister for the first time in a decade.
Now recently divorced and as sophisticated as always, Will has gone from being my father’s friend and business partner to something so much more.
We’re both older, for one thing, and he just oozes this worldly confidence and stark sexuality. Combined with his tall, muscular build and sharp suits, strong jaw and bedroom eyes, Will has turned into one hell of a distraction.
A distraction I’m having a hard time staying away from, considering his office is right across from my desk and I work with him in such close proximity.
But it’s just a harmless crush, right?
It’s just an innocent fantasy of screwing him on his desk, right?
It can’t ever be more because he’s my father’s best friend, business partner, and my boss.



Sweet Romance

Jackie left her posh home young and wild. She lost touch with her family and made some bad decisions. Now she's returned as a twenty-something single mom trying to get her life back on track. She's a pretty good person and tries to be a great mom for her son. Will is Jackie's father's business partner. His life had some bumps not too far in the past so he's settling also. He hires Jackie to be his assistant. Will is a wonderful man. He doesn't trash talk his ex even if he might have a reason to do so. He's 100% behind Jackie in every step she makes. He encourages and stands up for her. He loves her son and steps right into the perfect father-figure role before even making any moves toward mom. Will is the dreamboat every woman wants inside and out. If you're in the mood for something sweet, Before I Ever Met You may be right up your alley.


The best hero ever!

I couldn't wait for this book.....and when I got my hands on it, I read it in one day. It is definitely on of Halle's lighter books. It is a forbidden/big age gap romance with swoon worthy hero. Will is the ultimate book boyfriend! He does not have one misstep in the book......he also lays his heart right out there for the heroine. With the way he was betrayed in the prologue, one wouldn't blame him for being guarded regarding Jackie. But he doesn't let his past define what he has with Jackie and I love that about him. It's pretty rare in romance books where the H just says what's in his heart right away. One reviewer said it was a lushly romantic book and I couldn't agree more. The heroine has her issues with the past......parents/ex. And as much as I liked her, she did bug me too with all her wavering/ push-pull emotions and actions toward Will. He deserved better. As for Jackie's father, he was ate times a jerk but in the end he grew on me esp with how he handled the affair. Regardless of the romance, it must have been so weird for him......and he did a good job protecting his daughter and coming to terms with everything. A side note.......I did get tired of all the name dropping regarding brands, etc.

Mom's Cooking The Books

Loved Will & Jackie!

This book is amazing! What a beautiful love story about two broken people! The story has the forbidden love aspect, best friend’s & business partner’s daughter, office romance, older man/younger woman, boss/assistant! Whew scotching! Will is 41 and has returned home to Vancouver after his marriage of 15 years’ dissolves. His wife told him on his 39th birthday that she was pregnant with another man’s child and she wanted a divorce. Will was devastated. He tried for 2 years to stay in LA, but he just couldn’t do it anymore. Jackie is now working for her father as Will’s assistant. She always thought Will was handsome, but the last time she saw him she was 15! Now at 25 she can appreciate what an attraction and distraction working for him will be. There is a connection when they meet. Will is so smooth and he sweeps Jackie off her feet. He calls her his dream girl. Swoon! The secondary characters are a riot! Her office manager and the receptionist definitely kept things jumping! There is family drama as Jackie has a strained relationship with her parents and worries her relationship with Will, if it got out, could ruin them both. Her son Ty is a delightful addition to the cast of characters. If you want a sweet, sexy, swoon-worthy romance, then pick up this book! You won’t regret it.


Dream girl she was not.

Before I Met You was a contemporary romance about Will and Jackie. Jackie knew Will from when she was a teenager when he joined their family for holiday dinners. Will was much older than Jackie. He was the VP at the Vancouver office and Jackie was his executive assistant. Ted was his partner and friend. He was also Jackie's father and boss. Before I Met You was told in alternating POV's between the main characters: Will and Jackie. The story included several minor characters that did not add much to the story. The story was set in Vancouver, Canada. The characters worked at Mad Men Studios where they worked in animation. The work environment and location did not add anything to the story either. The attraction was instant. But for me it was not. Even though, they knew each other from years prior I still had some catching up to do. They had an easy camaraderie despite the age difference. The friendship and working relationship was smooth and believable, but beyond that I was missing the words used to illustrate more. I could not bridge the gap I felt. The spark was not their for me. Jackie was a single mom raising her seven year old son. She was trusting and spontaneous with very little hesitation. She recently moved back in with her parents. Will was kind and thoughtful. Will recently moved to Canada from LA. Karina held my interest with her opening chapters but I quickly lost interest in trying to build a relationship with the boss and the employee. Nothing against this type of relationship. The barriers created to try to dissuade them were not even issues of concern. Jackie's character was a problem for me. She was too insecure. Not enough past knowledge was given other then her ex to truly understand her character. Jackie was attractive with references made about her body shape and size which I found unnecessary. The premise to make Jackie insecure and oblivious to being attractive irritated me. Not to mention her being stubborn and refusing help from her parents. She seemed too trusting or sheltered to have been subjected to such behavior from one bad experience with a guy. Will's character was great, yet I had a hard time believing his divorce devastated him in the manner that Jackie kept referencing to. I think Sasha's comment about kids was far more revealing than the cheating. I was not a fan of the employees making lewd comments about Will at work. I could not put myself in Karina's fantasy. Her dream guy was not my dream guy and Jackie definitely was not my dream girl. Between the nicknames, the lewd comments, and the sex scenes I became annoyed with the story and the characters. Maybe I needed more information about Will and Jackie prior to them working together. I needed reference material from their past to determine what kind of character they were. I wish Karina's fantasy was one I could share with her but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to bond over these characters. I thought Karina made too much fuss over Will being her boss, her father's friend, and being well endowed. Jackie seemed to be hung up on her own insecurities. I felt Katina built up this plot about the boss and employee, father and best friend, and older guy-younger lady concept only to discover this was all irrelevant. The sex scenes were missing passion and angst. There was lust and hunger in a sloppy attempt to show determination. Karina did not use the words I needed to bond with these characters. The biggest barrier was Jackie's concern for approval. Yet Karina crossed lines every step of the way proving Jackie was careless rather then cautious and careful. The sex scenes were a prime example of the carelessness. The more I read the less I liked the main characters. Will became childish with his nicknames and flirty banter. I saw an older man attracted to a young curvy girl who was easy to conquer. The prior friendship made it easy to cross lines and build trust. There was nothing solid in the relationship other than hungry sex appeal.


A classic romance

This is a beautiful romance that you will easily get swept away in the story of these two wonderful characters. Oh will, Will make you swoon! The ending will leave you with a feel good smile.

Red 80

Makes you believe in love 🔥

Once again Karina Halle delivers a wonderful book📖. I love Will and Jackie (where this a Will there is a way & Just Jackie). Will is amazing male character, he is a sexy gentleman, he is bossy (alpha) and most importantly in spite of trials and tribulations in his life, he meets Jackie... As the heroine, Jackie doesn't disappoint, she needs to be loved whether she knows it or not. If you haven't read any of Karina Halle's awesome books this is the perfect book to start with, it's standalone. Before I Ever Met You will become the book you read again whenever you're in a book slump. It has everything from beginning to end.


I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last.

The main characters in this book are both looking for a fresh start. Will is recently divorced and events have led Jackie to become a single mom. They both have ties to Vancouver and find themselves there in hope of healing and second chances at life. Will is Jackie's dad's younger business partner. He had been running the LA office. Now that he is back, he finds himself in need of executive assistant. Jackie's dad hires her to be his assistant. Jackie and Will haven't seen each other in years. On Jackie's first day, Will finds himself in shock that Jackie isn't that young girl that he once knew. Will is so dreamy and swoon worthy. He may be a little older, but he is a fit gentleman with a thick head of hair and a tendency to not wear underwear. Seeing Will interact with Jackie's son makes him that much more lovable. Jackie is a young, single mom that just wants to prove herself to the world. Her main worry is making a better life for her son. She is so real and relatable. I love her girlfriends at the office. They make me laugh and wish I had them at my work. Karina Halle does it again. This book is so good!!! I loved reading Will and Jackie's story. It was sweet, sexy, and breathtaking. I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last. Before I Ever Met You is one of those books you just know is going to be amazing from just reading the prologue. I hope you snap it up and enjoy it was much as I did.

Letoltes Before I Ever Met You By Karina Halle Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

I first met William McAlister when I was just a teenager.
He was handsome, had a beautiful wife and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner. Mr. McAlister was full of smooth charm, but back then he was barely a blip on my radar. Just a family friend.
Fast forward ten years: I’m 25 years old and a single mom trying to make things right for her seven-year old son. I’ve made some mistakes, grappled with my demons and now I’m back in the city of Vancouver, getting a second chance at a better life.
I’ve started by working for my father’s production company as an executive assistant. My first day on the job and I already know I could have a promising career there.
That is until I see Will McAlister for the first time in a decade.
Now recently divorced and as sophisticated as always, Will has gone from being my father’s friend and business partner to something so much more.
We’re both older, for one thing, and he just oozes this worldly confidence and stark sexuality. Combined with his tall, muscular build and sharp suits, strong jaw and bedroom eyes, Will has turned into one hell of a distraction.
A distraction I’m having a hard time staying away from, considering his office is right across from my desk and I work with him in such close proximity.
But it’s just a harmless crush, right?
It’s just an innocent fantasy of screwing him on his desk, right?
It can’t ever be more because he’s my father’s best friend, business partner, and my boss.



Sweet Romance

Jackie left her posh home young and wild. She lost touch with her family and made some bad decisions. Now she's returned as a twenty-something single mom trying to get her life back on track. She's a pretty good person and tries to be a great mom for her son. Will is Jackie's father's business partner. His life had some bumps not too far in the past so he's settling also. He hires Jackie to be his assistant. Will is a wonderful man. He doesn't trash talk his ex even if he might have a reason to do so. He's 100% behind Jackie in every step she makes. He encourages and stands up for her. He loves her son and steps right into the perfect father-figure role before even making any moves toward mom. Will is the dreamboat every woman wants inside and out. If you're in the mood for something sweet, Before I Ever Met You may be right up your alley.


The best hero ever!

I couldn't wait for this book.....and when I got my hands on it, I read it in one day. It is definitely on of Halle's lighter books. It is a forbidden/big age gap romance with swoon worthy hero. Will is the ultimate book boyfriend! He does not have one misstep in the book......he also lays his heart right out there for the heroine. With the way he was betrayed in the prologue, one wouldn't blame him for being guarded regarding Jackie. But he doesn't let his past define what he has with Jackie and I love that about him. It's pretty rare in romance books where the H just says what's in his heart right away. One reviewer said it was a lushly romantic book and I couldn't agree more. The heroine has her issues with the past......parents/ex. And as much as I liked her, she did bug me too with all her wavering/ push-pull emotions and actions toward Will. He deserved better. As for Jackie's father, he was ate times a jerk but in the end he grew on me esp with how he handled the affair. Regardless of the romance, it must have been so weird for him......and he did a good job protecting his daughter and coming to terms with everything. A side note.......I did get tired of all the name dropping regarding brands, etc.

Mom's Cooking The Books

Loved Will & Jackie!

This book is amazing! What a beautiful love story about two broken people! The story has the forbidden love aspect, best friend’s & business partner’s daughter, office romance, older man/younger woman, boss/assistant! Whew scotching! Will is 41 and has returned home to Vancouver after his marriage of 15 years’ dissolves. His wife told him on his 39th birthday that she was pregnant with another man’s child and she wanted a divorce. Will was devastated. He tried for 2 years to stay in LA, but he just couldn’t do it anymore. Jackie is now working for her father as Will’s assistant. She always thought Will was handsome, but the last time she saw him she was 15! Now at 25 she can appreciate what an attraction and distraction working for him will be. There is a connection when they meet. Will is so smooth and he sweeps Jackie off her feet. He calls her his dream girl. Swoon! The secondary characters are a riot! Her office manager and the receptionist definitely kept things jumping! There is family drama as Jackie has a strained relationship with her parents and worries her relationship with Will, if it got out, could ruin them both. Her son Ty is a delightful addition to the cast of characters. If you want a sweet, sexy, swoon-worthy romance, then pick up this book! You won’t regret it.


Dream girl she was not.

Before I Met You was a contemporary romance about Will and Jackie. Jackie knew Will from when she was a teenager when he joined their family for holiday dinners. Will was much older than Jackie. He was the VP at the Vancouver office and Jackie was his executive assistant. Ted was his partner and friend. He was also Jackie's father and boss. Before I Met You was told in alternating POV's between the main characters: Will and Jackie. The story included several minor characters that did not add much to the story. The story was set in Vancouver, Canada. The characters worked at Mad Men Studios where they worked in animation. The work environment and location did not add anything to the story either. The attraction was instant. But for me it was not. Even though, they knew each other from years prior I still had some catching up to do. They had an easy camaraderie despite the age difference. The friendship and working relationship was smooth and believable, but beyond that I was missing the words used to illustrate more. I could not bridge the gap I felt. The spark was not their for me. Jackie was a single mom raising her seven year old son. She was trusting and spontaneous with very little hesitation. She recently moved back in with her parents. Will was kind and thoughtful. Will recently moved to Canada from LA. Karina held my interest with her opening chapters but I quickly lost interest in trying to build a relationship with the boss and the employee. Nothing against this type of relationship. The barriers created to try to dissuade them were not even issues of concern. Jackie's character was a problem for me. She was too insecure. Not enough past knowledge was given other then her ex to truly understand her character. Jackie was attractive with references made about her body shape and size which I found unnecessary. The premise to make Jackie insecure and oblivious to being attractive irritated me. Not to mention her being stubborn and refusing help from her parents. She seemed too trusting or sheltered to have been subjected to such behavior from one bad experience with a guy. Will's character was great, yet I had a hard time believing his divorce devastated him in the manner that Jackie kept referencing to. I think Sasha's comment about kids was far more revealing than the cheating. I was not a fan of the employees making lewd comments about Will at work. I could not put myself in Karina's fantasy. Her dream guy was not my dream guy and Jackie definitely was not my dream girl. Between the nicknames, the lewd comments, and the sex scenes I became annoyed with the story and the characters. Maybe I needed more information about Will and Jackie prior to them working together. I needed reference material from their past to determine what kind of character they were. I wish Karina's fantasy was one I could share with her but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to bond over these characters. I thought Karina made too much fuss over Will being her boss, her father's friend, and being well endowed. Jackie seemed to be hung up on her own insecurities. I felt Katina built up this plot about the boss and employee, father and best friend, and older guy-younger lady concept only to discover this was all irrelevant. The sex scenes were missing passion and angst. There was lust and hunger in a sloppy attempt to show determination. Karina did not use the words I needed to bond with these characters. The biggest barrier was Jackie's concern for approval. Yet Karina crossed lines every step of the way proving Jackie was careless rather then cautious and careful. The sex scenes were a prime example of the carelessness. The more I read the less I liked the main characters. Will became childish with his nicknames and flirty banter. I saw an older man attracted to a young curvy girl who was easy to conquer. The prior friendship made it easy to cross lines and build trust. There was nothing solid in the relationship other than hungry sex appeal.


A classic romance

This is a beautiful romance that you will easily get swept away in the story of these two wonderful characters. Oh will, Will make you swoon! The ending will leave you with a feel good smile.

Red 80

Makes you believe in love 🔥

Once again Karina Halle delivers a wonderful book📖. I love Will and Jackie (where this a Will there is a way & Just Jackie). Will is amazing male character, he is a sexy gentleman, he is bossy (alpha) and most importantly in spite of trials and tribulations in his life, he meets Jackie... As the heroine, Jackie doesn't disappoint, she needs to be loved whether she knows it or not. If you haven't read any of Karina Halle's awesome books this is the perfect book to start with, it's standalone. Before I Ever Met You will become the book you read again whenever you're in a book slump. It has everything from beginning to end.


I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last.

The main characters in this book are both looking for a fresh start. Will is recently divorced and events have led Jackie to become a single mom. They both have ties to Vancouver and find themselves there in hope of healing and second chances at life. Will is Jackie's dad's younger business partner. He had been running the LA office. Now that he is back, he finds himself in need of executive assistant. Jackie's dad hires her to be his assistant. Jackie and Will haven't seen each other in years. On Jackie's first day, Will finds himself in shock that Jackie isn't that young girl that he once knew. Will is so dreamy and swoon worthy. He may be a little older, but he is a fit gentleman with a thick head of hair and a tendency to not wear underwear. Seeing Will interact with Jackie's son makes him that much more lovable. Jackie is a young, single mom that just wants to prove herself to the world. Her main worry is making a better life for her son. She is so real and relatable. I love her girlfriends at the office. They make me laugh and wish I had them at my work. Karina Halle does it again. This book is so good!!! I loved reading Will and Jackie's story. It was sweet, sexy, and breathtaking. I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last. Before I Ever Met You is one of those books you just know is going to be amazing from just reading the prologue. I hope you snap it up and enjoy it was much as I did.

Letoltes Before I Ever Met You By Karina Halle Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

I first met William McAlister when I was just a teenager.
He was handsome, had a beautiful wife and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner. Mr. McAlister was full of smooth charm, but back then he was barely a blip on my radar. Just a family friend.
Fast forward ten years: I’m 25 years old and a single mom trying to make things right for her seven-year old son. I’ve made some mistakes, grappled with my demons and now I’m back in the city of Vancouver, getting a second chance at a better life.
I’ve started by working for my father’s production company as an executive assistant. My first day on the job and I already know I could have a promising career there.
That is until I see Will McAlister for the first time in a decade.
Now recently divorced and as sophisticated as always, Will has gone from being my father’s friend and business partner to something so much more.
We’re both older, for one thing, and he just oozes this worldly confidence and stark sexuality. Combined with his tall, muscular build and sharp suits, strong jaw and bedroom eyes, Will has turned into one hell of a distraction.
A distraction I’m having a hard time staying away from, considering his office is right across from my desk and I work with him in such close proximity.
But it’s just a harmless crush, right?
It’s just an innocent fantasy of screwing him on his desk, right?
It can’t ever be more because he’s my father’s best friend, business partner, and my boss.



Sweet Romance

Jackie left her posh home young and wild. She lost touch with her family and made some bad decisions. Now she's returned as a twenty-something single mom trying to get her life back on track. She's a pretty good person and tries to be a great mom for her son. Will is Jackie's father's business partner. His life had some bumps not too far in the past so he's settling also. He hires Jackie to be his assistant. Will is a wonderful man. He doesn't trash talk his ex even if he might have a reason to do so. He's 100% behind Jackie in every step she makes. He encourages and stands up for her. He loves her son and steps right into the perfect father-figure role before even making any moves toward mom. Will is the dreamboat every woman wants inside and out. If you're in the mood for something sweet, Before I Ever Met You may be right up your alley.


The best hero ever!

I couldn't wait for this book.....and when I got my hands on it, I read it in one day. It is definitely on of Halle's lighter books. It is a forbidden/big age gap romance with swoon worthy hero. Will is the ultimate book boyfriend! He does not have one misstep in the book......he also lays his heart right out there for the heroine. With the way he was betrayed in the prologue, one wouldn't blame him for being guarded regarding Jackie. But he doesn't let his past define what he has with Jackie and I love that about him. It's pretty rare in romance books where the H just says what's in his heart right away. One reviewer said it was a lushly romantic book and I couldn't agree more. The heroine has her issues with the past......parents/ex. And as much as I liked her, she did bug me too with all her wavering/ push-pull emotions and actions toward Will. He deserved better. As for Jackie's father, he was ate times a jerk but in the end he grew on me esp with how he handled the affair. Regardless of the romance, it must have been so weird for him......and he did a good job protecting his daughter and coming to terms with everything. A side note.......I did get tired of all the name dropping regarding brands, etc.

Mom's Cooking The Books

Loved Will & Jackie!

This book is amazing! What a beautiful love story about two broken people! The story has the forbidden love aspect, best friend’s & business partner’s daughter, office romance, older man/younger woman, boss/assistant! Whew scotching! Will is 41 and has returned home to Vancouver after his marriage of 15 years’ dissolves. His wife told him on his 39th birthday that she was pregnant with another man’s child and she wanted a divorce. Will was devastated. He tried for 2 years to stay in LA, but he just couldn’t do it anymore. Jackie is now working for her father as Will’s assistant. She always thought Will was handsome, but the last time she saw him she was 15! Now at 25 she can appreciate what an attraction and distraction working for him will be. There is a connection when they meet. Will is so smooth and he sweeps Jackie off her feet. He calls her his dream girl. Swoon! The secondary characters are a riot! Her office manager and the receptionist definitely kept things jumping! There is family drama as Jackie has a strained relationship with her parents and worries her relationship with Will, if it got out, could ruin them both. Her son Ty is a delightful addition to the cast of characters. If you want a sweet, sexy, swoon-worthy romance, then pick up this book! You won’t regret it.


Dream girl she was not.

Before I Met You was a contemporary romance about Will and Jackie. Jackie knew Will from when she was a teenager when he joined their family for holiday dinners. Will was much older than Jackie. He was the VP at the Vancouver office and Jackie was his executive assistant. Ted was his partner and friend. He was also Jackie's father and boss. Before I Met You was told in alternating POV's between the main characters: Will and Jackie. The story included several minor characters that did not add much to the story. The story was set in Vancouver, Canada. The characters worked at Mad Men Studios where they worked in animation. The work environment and location did not add anything to the story either. The attraction was instant. But for me it was not. Even though, they knew each other from years prior I still had some catching up to do. They had an easy camaraderie despite the age difference. The friendship and working relationship was smooth and believable, but beyond that I was missing the words used to illustrate more. I could not bridge the gap I felt. The spark was not their for me. Jackie was a single mom raising her seven year old son. She was trusting and spontaneous with very little hesitation. She recently moved back in with her parents. Will was kind and thoughtful. Will recently moved to Canada from LA. Karina held my interest with her opening chapters but I quickly lost interest in trying to build a relationship with the boss and the employee. Nothing against this type of relationship. The barriers created to try to dissuade them were not even issues of concern. Jackie's character was a problem for me. She was too insecure. Not enough past knowledge was given other then her ex to truly understand her character. Jackie was attractive with references made about her body shape and size which I found unnecessary. The premise to make Jackie insecure and oblivious to being attractive irritated me. Not to mention her being stubborn and refusing help from her parents. She seemed too trusting or sheltered to have been subjected to such behavior from one bad experience with a guy. Will's character was great, yet I had a hard time believing his divorce devastated him in the manner that Jackie kept referencing to. I think Sasha's comment about kids was far more revealing than the cheating. I was not a fan of the employees making lewd comments about Will at work. I could not put myself in Karina's fantasy. Her dream guy was not my dream guy and Jackie definitely was not my dream girl. Between the nicknames, the lewd comments, and the sex scenes I became annoyed with the story and the characters. Maybe I needed more information about Will and Jackie prior to them working together. I needed reference material from their past to determine what kind of character they were. I wish Karina's fantasy was one I could share with her but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to bond over these characters. I thought Karina made too much fuss over Will being her boss, her father's friend, and being well endowed. Jackie seemed to be hung up on her own insecurities. I felt Katina built up this plot about the boss and employee, father and best friend, and older guy-younger lady concept only to discover this was all irrelevant. The sex scenes were missing passion and angst. There was lust and hunger in a sloppy attempt to show determination. Karina did not use the words I needed to bond with these characters. The biggest barrier was Jackie's concern for approval. Yet Karina crossed lines every step of the way proving Jackie was careless rather then cautious and careful. The sex scenes were a prime example of the carelessness. The more I read the less I liked the main characters. Will became childish with his nicknames and flirty banter. I saw an older man attracted to a young curvy girl who was easy to conquer. The prior friendship made it easy to cross lines and build trust. There was nothing solid in the relationship other than hungry sex appeal.


A classic romance

This is a beautiful romance that you will easily get swept away in the story of these two wonderful characters. Oh will, Will make you swoon! The ending will leave you with a feel good smile.

Red 80

Makes you believe in love 🔥

Once again Karina Halle delivers a wonderful book📖. I love Will and Jackie (where this a Will there is a way & Just Jackie). Will is amazing male character, he is a sexy gentleman, he is bossy (alpha) and most importantly in spite of trials and tribulations in his life, he meets Jackie... As the heroine, Jackie doesn't disappoint, she needs to be loved whether she knows it or not. If you haven't read any of Karina Halle's awesome books this is the perfect book to start with, it's standalone. Before I Ever Met You will become the book you read again whenever you're in a book slump. It has everything from beginning to end.


I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last.

The main characters in this book are both looking for a fresh start. Will is recently divorced and events have led Jackie to become a single mom. They both have ties to Vancouver and find themselves there in hope of healing and second chances at life. Will is Jackie's dad's younger business partner. He had been running the LA office. Now that he is back, he finds himself in need of executive assistant. Jackie's dad hires her to be his assistant. Jackie and Will haven't seen each other in years. On Jackie's first day, Will finds himself in shock that Jackie isn't that young girl that he once knew. Will is so dreamy and swoon worthy. He may be a little older, but he is a fit gentleman with a thick head of hair and a tendency to not wear underwear. Seeing Will interact with Jackie's son makes him that much more lovable. Jackie is a young, single mom that just wants to prove herself to the world. Her main worry is making a better life for her son. She is so real and relatable. I love her girlfriends at the office. They make me laugh and wish I had them at my work. Karina Halle does it again. This book is so good!!! I loved reading Will and Jackie's story. It was sweet, sexy, and breathtaking. I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last. Before I Ever Met You is one of those books you just know is going to be amazing from just reading the prologue. I hope you snap it up and enjoy it was much as I did.

Letoltes Before I Ever Met You By Karina Halle Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

I first met William McAlister when I was just a teenager.
He was handsome, had a beautiful wife and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner. Mr. McAlister was full of smooth charm, but back then he was barely a blip on my radar. Just a family friend.
Fast forward ten years: I’m 25 years old and a single mom trying to make things right for her seven-year old son. I’ve made some mistakes, grappled with my demons and now I’m back in the city of Vancouver, getting a second chance at a better life.
I’ve started by working for my father’s production company as an executive assistant. My first day on the job and I already know I could have a promising career there.
That is until I see Will McAlister for the first time in a decade.
Now recently divorced and as sophisticated as always, Will has gone from being my father’s friend and business partner to something so much more.
We’re both older, for one thing, and he just oozes this worldly confidence and stark sexuality. Combined with his tall, muscular build and sharp suits, strong jaw and bedroom eyes, Will has turned into one hell of a distraction.
A distraction I’m having a hard time staying away from, considering his office is right across from my desk and I work with him in such close proximity.
But it’s just a harmless crush, right?
It’s just an innocent fantasy of screwing him on his desk, right?
It can’t ever be more because he’s my father’s best friend, business partner, and my boss.



Sweet Romance

Jackie left her posh home young and wild. She lost touch with her family and made some bad decisions. Now she's returned as a twenty-something single mom trying to get her life back on track. She's a pretty good person and tries to be a great mom for her son. Will is Jackie's father's business partner. His life had some bumps not too far in the past so he's settling also. He hires Jackie to be his assistant. Will is a wonderful man. He doesn't trash talk his ex even if he might have a reason to do so. He's 100% behind Jackie in every step she makes. He encourages and stands up for her. He loves her son and steps right into the perfect father-figure role before even making any moves toward mom. Will is the dreamboat every woman wants inside and out. If you're in the mood for something sweet, Before I Ever Met You may be right up your alley.


The best hero ever!

I couldn't wait for this book.....and when I got my hands on it, I read it in one day. It is definitely on of Halle's lighter books. It is a forbidden/big age gap romance with swoon worthy hero. Will is the ultimate book boyfriend! He does not have one misstep in the book......he also lays his heart right out there for the heroine. With the way he was betrayed in the prologue, one wouldn't blame him for being guarded regarding Jackie. But he doesn't let his past define what he has with Jackie and I love that about him. It's pretty rare in romance books where the H just says what's in his heart right away. One reviewer said it was a lushly romantic book and I couldn't agree more. The heroine has her issues with the past......parents/ex. And as much as I liked her, she did bug me too with all her wavering/ push-pull emotions and actions toward Will. He deserved better. As for Jackie's father, he was ate times a jerk but in the end he grew on me esp with how he handled the affair. Regardless of the romance, it must have been so weird for him......and he did a good job protecting his daughter and coming to terms with everything. A side note.......I did get tired of all the name dropping regarding brands, etc.

Mom's Cooking The Books

Loved Will & Jackie!

This book is amazing! What a beautiful love story about two broken people! The story has the forbidden love aspect, best friend’s & business partner’s daughter, office romance, older man/younger woman, boss/assistant! Whew scotching! Will is 41 and has returned home to Vancouver after his marriage of 15 years’ dissolves. His wife told him on his 39th birthday that she was pregnant with another man’s child and she wanted a divorce. Will was devastated. He tried for 2 years to stay in LA, but he just couldn’t do it anymore. Jackie is now working for her father as Will’s assistant. She always thought Will was handsome, but the last time she saw him she was 15! Now at 25 she can appreciate what an attraction and distraction working for him will be. There is a connection when they meet. Will is so smooth and he sweeps Jackie off her feet. He calls her his dream girl. Swoon! The secondary characters are a riot! Her office manager and the receptionist definitely kept things jumping! There is family drama as Jackie has a strained relationship with her parents and worries her relationship with Will, if it got out, could ruin them both. Her son Ty is a delightful addition to the cast of characters. If you want a sweet, sexy, swoon-worthy romance, then pick up this book! You won’t regret it.


Dream girl she was not.

Before I Met You was a contemporary romance about Will and Jackie. Jackie knew Will from when she was a teenager when he joined their family for holiday dinners. Will was much older than Jackie. He was the VP at the Vancouver office and Jackie was his executive assistant. Ted was his partner and friend. He was also Jackie's father and boss. Before I Met You was told in alternating POV's between the main characters: Will and Jackie. The story included several minor characters that did not add much to the story. The story was set in Vancouver, Canada. The characters worked at Mad Men Studios where they worked in animation. The work environment and location did not add anything to the story either. The attraction was instant. But for me it was not. Even though, they knew each other from years prior I still had some catching up to do. They had an easy camaraderie despite the age difference. The friendship and working relationship was smooth and believable, but beyond that I was missing the words used to illustrate more. I could not bridge the gap I felt. The spark was not their for me. Jackie was a single mom raising her seven year old son. She was trusting and spontaneous with very little hesitation. She recently moved back in with her parents. Will was kind and thoughtful. Will recently moved to Canada from LA. Karina held my interest with her opening chapters but I quickly lost interest in trying to build a relationship with the boss and the employee. Nothing against this type of relationship. The barriers created to try to dissuade them were not even issues of concern. Jackie's character was a problem for me. She was too insecure. Not enough past knowledge was given other then her ex to truly understand her character. Jackie was attractive with references made about her body shape and size which I found unnecessary. The premise to make Jackie insecure and oblivious to being attractive irritated me. Not to mention her being stubborn and refusing help from her parents. She seemed too trusting or sheltered to have been subjected to such behavior from one bad experience with a guy. Will's character was great, yet I had a hard time believing his divorce devastated him in the manner that Jackie kept referencing to. I think Sasha's comment about kids was far more revealing than the cheating. I was not a fan of the employees making lewd comments about Will at work. I could not put myself in Karina's fantasy. Her dream guy was not my dream guy and Jackie definitely was not my dream girl. Between the nicknames, the lewd comments, and the sex scenes I became annoyed with the story and the characters. Maybe I needed more information about Will and Jackie prior to them working together. I needed reference material from their past to determine what kind of character they were. I wish Karina's fantasy was one I could share with her but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to bond over these characters. I thought Karina made too much fuss over Will being her boss, her father's friend, and being well endowed. Jackie seemed to be hung up on her own insecurities. I felt Katina built up this plot about the boss and employee, father and best friend, and older guy-younger lady concept only to discover this was all irrelevant. The sex scenes were missing passion and angst. There was lust and hunger in a sloppy attempt to show determination. Karina did not use the words I needed to bond with these characters. The biggest barrier was Jackie's concern for approval. Yet Karina crossed lines every step of the way proving Jackie was careless rather then cautious and careful. The sex scenes were a prime example of the carelessness. The more I read the less I liked the main characters. Will became childish with his nicknames and flirty banter. I saw an older man attracted to a young curvy girl who was easy to conquer. The prior friendship made it easy to cross lines and build trust. There was nothing solid in the relationship other than hungry sex appeal.


A classic romance

This is a beautiful romance that you will easily get swept away in the story of these two wonderful characters. Oh will, Will make you swoon! The ending will leave you with a feel good smile.

Red 80

Makes you believe in love 🔥

Once again Karina Halle delivers a wonderful book📖. I love Will and Jackie (where this a Will there is a way & Just Jackie). Will is amazing male character, he is a sexy gentleman, he is bossy (alpha) and most importantly in spite of trials and tribulations in his life, he meets Jackie... As the heroine, Jackie doesn't disappoint, she needs to be loved whether she knows it or not. If you haven't read any of Karina Halle's awesome books this is the perfect book to start with, it's standalone. Before I Ever Met You will become the book you read again whenever you're in a book slump. It has everything from beginning to end.


I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last.

The main characters in this book are both looking for a fresh start. Will is recently divorced and events have led Jackie to become a single mom. They both have ties to Vancouver and find themselves there in hope of healing and second chances at life. Will is Jackie's dad's younger business partner. He had been running the LA office. Now that he is back, he finds himself in need of executive assistant. Jackie's dad hires her to be his assistant. Jackie and Will haven't seen each other in years. On Jackie's first day, Will finds himself in shock that Jackie isn't that young girl that he once knew. Will is so dreamy and swoon worthy. He may be a little older, but he is a fit gentleman with a thick head of hair and a tendency to not wear underwear. Seeing Will interact with Jackie's son makes him that much more lovable. Jackie is a young, single mom that just wants to prove herself to the world. Her main worry is making a better life for her son. She is so real and relatable. I love her girlfriends at the office. They make me laugh and wish I had them at my work. Karina Halle does it again. This book is so good!!! I loved reading Will and Jackie's story. It was sweet, sexy, and breathtaking. I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last. Before I Ever Met You is one of those books you just know is going to be amazing from just reading the prologue. I hope you snap it up and enjoy it was much as I did.

Letoltes Before I Ever Met You By Karina Halle Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

I first met William McAlister when I was just a teenager.
He was handsome, had a beautiful wife and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner. Mr. McAlister was full of smooth charm, but back then he was barely a blip on my radar. Just a family friend.
Fast forward ten years: I’m 25 years old and a single mom trying to make things right for her seven-year old son. I’ve made some mistakes, grappled with my demons and now I’m back in the city of Vancouver, getting a second chance at a better life.
I’ve started by working for my father’s production company as an executive assistant. My first day on the job and I already know I could have a promising career there.
That is until I see Will McAlister for the first time in a decade.
Now recently divorced and as sophisticated as always, Will has gone from being my father’s friend and business partner to something so much more.
We’re both older, for one thing, and he just oozes this worldly confidence and stark sexuality. Combined with his tall, muscular build and sharp suits, strong jaw and bedroom eyes, Will has turned into one hell of a distraction.
A distraction I’m having a hard time staying away from, considering his office is right across from my desk and I work with him in such close proximity.
But it’s just a harmless crush, right?
It’s just an innocent fantasy of screwing him on his desk, right?
It can’t ever be more because he’s my father’s best friend, business partner, and my boss.



Sweet Romance

Jackie left her posh home young and wild. She lost touch with her family and made some bad decisions. Now she's returned as a twenty-something single mom trying to get her life back on track. She's a pretty good person and tries to be a great mom for her son. Will is Jackie's father's business partner. His life had some bumps not too far in the past so he's settling also. He hires Jackie to be his assistant. Will is a wonderful man. He doesn't trash talk his ex even if he might have a reason to do so. He's 100% behind Jackie in every step she makes. He encourages and stands up for her. He loves her son and steps right into the perfect father-figure role before even making any moves toward mom. Will is the dreamboat every woman wants inside and out. If you're in the mood for something sweet, Before I Ever Met You may be right up your alley.


The best hero ever!

I couldn't wait for this book.....and when I got my hands on it, I read it in one day. It is definitely on of Halle's lighter books. It is a forbidden/big age gap romance with swoon worthy hero. Will is the ultimate book boyfriend! He does not have one misstep in the book......he also lays his heart right out there for the heroine. With the way he was betrayed in the prologue, one wouldn't blame him for being guarded regarding Jackie. But he doesn't let his past define what he has with Jackie and I love that about him. It's pretty rare in romance books where the H just says what's in his heart right away. One reviewer said it was a lushly romantic book and I couldn't agree more. The heroine has her issues with the past......parents/ex. And as much as I liked her, she did bug me too with all her wavering/ push-pull emotions and actions toward Will. He deserved better. As for Jackie's father, he was ate times a jerk but in the end he grew on me esp with how he handled the affair. Regardless of the romance, it must have been so weird for him......and he did a good job protecting his daughter and coming to terms with everything. A side note.......I did get tired of all the name dropping regarding brands, etc.

Mom's Cooking The Books

Loved Will & Jackie!

This book is amazing! What a beautiful love story about two broken people! The story has the forbidden love aspect, best friend’s & business partner’s daughter, office romance, older man/younger woman, boss/assistant! Whew scotching! Will is 41 and has returned home to Vancouver after his marriage of 15 years’ dissolves. His wife told him on his 39th birthday that she was pregnant with another man’s child and she wanted a divorce. Will was devastated. He tried for 2 years to stay in LA, but he just couldn’t do it anymore. Jackie is now working for her father as Will’s assistant. She always thought Will was handsome, but the last time she saw him she was 15! Now at 25 she can appreciate what an attraction and distraction working for him will be. There is a connection when they meet. Will is so smooth and he sweeps Jackie off her feet. He calls her his dream girl. Swoon! The secondary characters are a riot! Her office manager and the receptionist definitely kept things jumping! There is family drama as Jackie has a strained relationship with her parents and worries her relationship with Will, if it got out, could ruin them both. Her son Ty is a delightful addition to the cast of characters. If you want a sweet, sexy, swoon-worthy romance, then pick up this book! You won’t regret it.


Dream girl she was not.

Before I Met You was a contemporary romance about Will and Jackie. Jackie knew Will from when she was a teenager when he joined their family for holiday dinners. Will was much older than Jackie. He was the VP at the Vancouver office and Jackie was his executive assistant. Ted was his partner and friend. He was also Jackie's father and boss. Before I Met You was told in alternating POV's between the main characters: Will and Jackie. The story included several minor characters that did not add much to the story. The story was set in Vancouver, Canada. The characters worked at Mad Men Studios where they worked in animation. The work environment and location did not add anything to the story either. The attraction was instant. But for me it was not. Even though, they knew each other from years prior I still had some catching up to do. They had an easy camaraderie despite the age difference. The friendship and working relationship was smooth and believable, but beyond that I was missing the words used to illustrate more. I could not bridge the gap I felt. The spark was not their for me. Jackie was a single mom raising her seven year old son. She was trusting and spontaneous with very little hesitation. She recently moved back in with her parents. Will was kind and thoughtful. Will recently moved to Canada from LA. Karina held my interest with her opening chapters but I quickly lost interest in trying to build a relationship with the boss and the employee. Nothing against this type of relationship. The barriers created to try to dissuade them were not even issues of concern. Jackie's character was a problem for me. She was too insecure. Not enough past knowledge was given other then her ex to truly understand her character. Jackie was attractive with references made about her body shape and size which I found unnecessary. The premise to make Jackie insecure and oblivious to being attractive irritated me. Not to mention her being stubborn and refusing help from her parents. She seemed too trusting or sheltered to have been subjected to such behavior from one bad experience with a guy. Will's character was great, yet I had a hard time believing his divorce devastated him in the manner that Jackie kept referencing to. I think Sasha's comment about kids was far more revealing than the cheating. I was not a fan of the employees making lewd comments about Will at work. I could not put myself in Karina's fantasy. Her dream guy was not my dream guy and Jackie definitely was not my dream girl. Between the nicknames, the lewd comments, and the sex scenes I became annoyed with the story and the characters. Maybe I needed more information about Will and Jackie prior to them working together. I needed reference material from their past to determine what kind of character they were. I wish Karina's fantasy was one I could share with her but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to bond over these characters. I thought Karina made too much fuss over Will being her boss, her father's friend, and being well endowed. Jackie seemed to be hung up on her own insecurities. I felt Katina built up this plot about the boss and employee, father and best friend, and older guy-younger lady concept only to discover this was all irrelevant. The sex scenes were missing passion and angst. There was lust and hunger in a sloppy attempt to show determination. Karina did not use the words I needed to bond with these characters. The biggest barrier was Jackie's concern for approval. Yet Karina crossed lines every step of the way proving Jackie was careless rather then cautious and careful. The sex scenes were a prime example of the carelessness. The more I read the less I liked the main characters. Will became childish with his nicknames and flirty banter. I saw an older man attracted to a young curvy girl who was easy to conquer. The prior friendship made it easy to cross lines and build trust. There was nothing solid in the relationship other than hungry sex appeal.


A classic romance

This is a beautiful romance that you will easily get swept away in the story of these two wonderful characters. Oh will, Will make you swoon! The ending will leave you with a feel good smile.

Red 80

Makes you believe in love 🔥

Once again Karina Halle delivers a wonderful book📖. I love Will and Jackie (where this a Will there is a way & Just Jackie). Will is amazing male character, he is a sexy gentleman, he is bossy (alpha) and most importantly in spite of trials and tribulations in his life, he meets Jackie... As the heroine, Jackie doesn't disappoint, she needs to be loved whether she knows it or not. If you haven't read any of Karina Halle's awesome books this is the perfect book to start with, it's standalone. Before I Ever Met You will become the book you read again whenever you're in a book slump. It has everything from beginning to end.


I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last.

The main characters in this book are both looking for a fresh start. Will is recently divorced and events have led Jackie to become a single mom. They both have ties to Vancouver and find themselves there in hope of healing and second chances at life. Will is Jackie's dad's younger business partner. He had been running the LA office. Now that he is back, he finds himself in need of executive assistant. Jackie's dad hires her to be his assistant. Jackie and Will haven't seen each other in years. On Jackie's first day, Will finds himself in shock that Jackie isn't that young girl that he once knew. Will is so dreamy and swoon worthy. He may be a little older, but he is a fit gentleman with a thick head of hair and a tendency to not wear underwear. Seeing Will interact with Jackie's son makes him that much more lovable. Jackie is a young, single mom that just wants to prove herself to the world. Her main worry is making a better life for her son. She is so real and relatable. I love her girlfriends at the office. They make me laugh and wish I had them at my work. Karina Halle does it again. This book is so good!!! I loved reading Will and Jackie's story. It was sweet, sexy, and breathtaking. I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last. Before I Ever Met You is one of those books you just know is going to be amazing from just reading the prologue. I hope you snap it up and enjoy it was much as I did.

Letoltes Before I Ever Met You By Karina Halle Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

I first met William McAlister when I was just a teenager.
He was handsome, had a beautiful wife and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner. Mr. McAlister was full of smooth charm, but back then he was barely a blip on my radar. Just a family friend.
Fast forward ten years: I’m 25 years old and a single mom trying to make things right for her seven-year old son. I’ve made some mistakes, grappled with my demons and now I’m back in the city of Vancouver, getting a second chance at a better life.
I’ve started by working for my father’s production company as an executive assistant. My first day on the job and I already know I could have a promising career there.
That is until I see Will McAlister for the first time in a decade.
Now recently divorced and as sophisticated as always, Will has gone from being my father’s friend and business partner to something so much more.
We’re both older, for one thing, and he just oozes this worldly confidence and stark sexuality. Combined with his tall, muscular build and sharp suits, strong jaw and bedroom eyes, Will has turned into one hell of a distraction.
A distraction I’m having a hard time staying away from, considering his office is right across from my desk and I work with him in such close proximity.
But it’s just a harmless crush, right?
It’s just an innocent fantasy of screwing him on his desk, right?
It can’t ever be more because he’s my father’s best friend, business partner, and my boss.



Sweet Romance

Jackie left her posh home young and wild. She lost touch with her family and made some bad decisions. Now she's returned as a twenty-something single mom trying to get her life back on track. She's a pretty good person and tries to be a great mom for her son. Will is Jackie's father's business partner. His life had some bumps not too far in the past so he's settling also. He hires Jackie to be his assistant. Will is a wonderful man. He doesn't trash talk his ex even if he might have a reason to do so. He's 100% behind Jackie in every step she makes. He encourages and stands up for her. He loves her son and steps right into the perfect father-figure role before even making any moves toward mom. Will is the dreamboat every woman wants inside and out. If you're in the mood for something sweet, Before I Ever Met You may be right up your alley.


The best hero ever!

I couldn't wait for this book.....and when I got my hands on it, I read it in one day. It is definitely on of Halle's lighter books. It is a forbidden/big age gap romance with swoon worthy hero. Will is the ultimate book boyfriend! He does not have one misstep in the book......he also lays his heart right out there for the heroine. With the way he was betrayed in the prologue, one wouldn't blame him for being guarded regarding Jackie. But he doesn't let his past define what he has with Jackie and I love that about him. It's pretty rare in romance books where the H just says what's in his heart right away. One reviewer said it was a lushly romantic book and I couldn't agree more. The heroine has her issues with the past......parents/ex. And as much as I liked her, she did bug me too with all her wavering/ push-pull emotions and actions toward Will. He deserved better. As for Jackie's father, he was ate times a jerk but in the end he grew on me esp with how he handled the affair. Regardless of the romance, it must have been so weird for him......and he did a good job protecting his daughter and coming to terms with everything. A side note.......I did get tired of all the name dropping regarding brands, etc.

Mom's Cooking The Books

Loved Will & Jackie!

This book is amazing! What a beautiful love story about two broken people! The story has the forbidden love aspect, best friend’s & business partner’s daughter, office romance, older man/younger woman, boss/assistant! Whew scotching! Will is 41 and has returned home to Vancouver after his marriage of 15 years’ dissolves. His wife told him on his 39th birthday that she was pregnant with another man’s child and she wanted a divorce. Will was devastated. He tried for 2 years to stay in LA, but he just couldn’t do it anymore. Jackie is now working for her father as Will’s assistant. She always thought Will was handsome, but the last time she saw him she was 15! Now at 25 she can appreciate what an attraction and distraction working for him will be. There is a connection when they meet. Will is so smooth and he sweeps Jackie off her feet. He calls her his dream girl. Swoon! The secondary characters are a riot! Her office manager and the receptionist definitely kept things jumping! There is family drama as Jackie has a strained relationship with her parents and worries her relationship with Will, if it got out, could ruin them both. Her son Ty is a delightful addition to the cast of characters. If you want a sweet, sexy, swoon-worthy romance, then pick up this book! You won’t regret it.


Dream girl she was not.

Before I Met You was a contemporary romance about Will and Jackie. Jackie knew Will from when she was a teenager when he joined their family for holiday dinners. Will was much older than Jackie. He was the VP at the Vancouver office and Jackie was his executive assistant. Ted was his partner and friend. He was also Jackie's father and boss. Before I Met You was told in alternating POV's between the main characters: Will and Jackie. The story included several minor characters that did not add much to the story. The story was set in Vancouver, Canada. The characters worked at Mad Men Studios where they worked in animation. The work environment and location did not add anything to the story either. The attraction was instant. But for me it was not. Even though, they knew each other from years prior I still had some catching up to do. They had an easy camaraderie despite the age difference. The friendship and working relationship was smooth and believable, but beyond that I was missing the words used to illustrate more. I could not bridge the gap I felt. The spark was not their for me. Jackie was a single mom raising her seven year old son. She was trusting and spontaneous with very little hesitation. She recently moved back in with her parents. Will was kind and thoughtful. Will recently moved to Canada from LA. Karina held my interest with her opening chapters but I quickly lost interest in trying to build a relationship with the boss and the employee. Nothing against this type of relationship. The barriers created to try to dissuade them were not even issues of concern. Jackie's character was a problem for me. She was too insecure. Not enough past knowledge was given other then her ex to truly understand her character. Jackie was attractive with references made about her body shape and size which I found unnecessary. The premise to make Jackie insecure and oblivious to being attractive irritated me. Not to mention her being stubborn and refusing help from her parents. She seemed too trusting or sheltered to have been subjected to such behavior from one bad experience with a guy. Will's character was great, yet I had a hard time believing his divorce devastated him in the manner that Jackie kept referencing to. I think Sasha's comment about kids was far more revealing than the cheating. I was not a fan of the employees making lewd comments about Will at work. I could not put myself in Karina's fantasy. Her dream guy was not my dream guy and Jackie definitely was not my dream girl. Between the nicknames, the lewd comments, and the sex scenes I became annoyed with the story and the characters. Maybe I needed more information about Will and Jackie prior to them working together. I needed reference material from their past to determine what kind of character they were. I wish Karina's fantasy was one I could share with her but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to bond over these characters. I thought Karina made too much fuss over Will being her boss, her father's friend, and being well endowed. Jackie seemed to be hung up on her own insecurities. I felt Katina built up this plot about the boss and employee, father and best friend, and older guy-younger lady concept only to discover this was all irrelevant. The sex scenes were missing passion and angst. There was lust and hunger in a sloppy attempt to show determination. Karina did not use the words I needed to bond with these characters. The biggest barrier was Jackie's concern for approval. Yet Karina crossed lines every step of the way proving Jackie was careless rather then cautious and careful. The sex scenes were a prime example of the carelessness. The more I read the less I liked the main characters. Will became childish with his nicknames and flirty banter. I saw an older man attracted to a young curvy girl who was easy to conquer. The prior friendship made it easy to cross lines and build trust. There was nothing solid in the relationship other than hungry sex appeal.


A classic romance

This is a beautiful romance that you will easily get swept away in the story of these two wonderful characters. Oh will, Will make you swoon! The ending will leave you with a feel good smile.

Red 80

Makes you believe in love 🔥

Once again Karina Halle delivers a wonderful book📖. I love Will and Jackie (where this a Will there is a way & Just Jackie). Will is amazing male character, he is a sexy gentleman, he is bossy (alpha) and most importantly in spite of trials and tribulations in his life, he meets Jackie... As the heroine, Jackie doesn't disappoint, she needs to be loved whether she knows it or not. If you haven't read any of Karina Halle's awesome books this is the perfect book to start with, it's standalone. Before I Ever Met You will become the book you read again whenever you're in a book slump. It has everything from beginning to end.


I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last.

The main characters in this book are both looking for a fresh start. Will is recently divorced and events have led Jackie to become a single mom. They both have ties to Vancouver and find themselves there in hope of healing and second chances at life. Will is Jackie's dad's younger business partner. He had been running the LA office. Now that he is back, he finds himself in need of executive assistant. Jackie's dad hires her to be his assistant. Jackie and Will haven't seen each other in years. On Jackie's first day, Will finds himself in shock that Jackie isn't that young girl that he once knew. Will is so dreamy and swoon worthy. He may be a little older, but he is a fit gentleman with a thick head of hair and a tendency to not wear underwear. Seeing Will interact with Jackie's son makes him that much more lovable. Jackie is a young, single mom that just wants to prove herself to the world. Her main worry is making a better life for her son. She is so real and relatable. I love her girlfriends at the office. They make me laugh and wish I had them at my work. Karina Halle does it again. This book is so good!!! I loved reading Will and Jackie's story. It was sweet, sexy, and breathtaking. I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last. Before I Ever Met You is one of those books you just know is going to be amazing from just reading the prologue. I hope you snap it up and enjoy it was much as I did.

Letoltes Before I Ever Met You By Karina Halle Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

I first met William McAlister when I was just a teenager.
He was handsome, had a beautiful wife and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner. Mr. McAlister was full of smooth charm, but back then he was barely a blip on my radar. Just a family friend.
Fast forward ten years: I’m 25 years old and a single mom trying to make things right for her seven-year old son. I’ve made some mistakes, grappled with my demons and now I’m back in the city of Vancouver, getting a second chance at a better life.
I’ve started by working for my father’s production company as an executive assistant. My first day on the job and I already know I could have a promising career there.
That is until I see Will McAlister for the first time in a decade.
Now recently divorced and as sophisticated as always, Will has gone from being my father’s friend and business partner to something so much more.
We’re both older, for one thing, and he just oozes this worldly confidence and stark sexuality. Combined with his tall, muscular build and sharp suits, strong jaw and bedroom eyes, Will has turned into one hell of a distraction.
A distraction I’m having a hard time staying away from, considering his office is right across from my desk and I work with him in such close proximity.
But it’s just a harmless crush, right?
It’s just an innocent fantasy of screwing him on his desk, right?
It can’t ever be more because he’s my father’s best friend, business partner, and my boss.



Sweet Romance

Jackie left her posh home young and wild. She lost touch with her family and made some bad decisions. Now she's returned as a twenty-something single mom trying to get her life back on track. She's a pretty good person and tries to be a great mom for her son. Will is Jackie's father's business partner. His life had some bumps not too far in the past so he's settling also. He hires Jackie to be his assistant. Will is a wonderful man. He doesn't trash talk his ex even if he might have a reason to do so. He's 100% behind Jackie in every step she makes. He encourages and stands up for her. He loves her son and steps right into the perfect father-figure role before even making any moves toward mom. Will is the dreamboat every woman wants inside and out. If you're in the mood for something sweet, Before I Ever Met You may be right up your alley.


The best hero ever!

I couldn't wait for this book.....and when I got my hands on it, I read it in one day. It is definitely on of Halle's lighter books. It is a forbidden/big age gap romance with swoon worthy hero. Will is the ultimate book boyfriend! He does not have one misstep in the book......he also lays his heart right out there for the heroine. With the way he was betrayed in the prologue, one wouldn't blame him for being guarded regarding Jackie. But he doesn't let his past define what he has with Jackie and I love that about him. It's pretty rare in romance books where the H just says what's in his heart right away. One reviewer said it was a lushly romantic book and I couldn't agree more. The heroine has her issues with the past......parents/ex. And as much as I liked her, she did bug me too with all her wavering/ push-pull emotions and actions toward Will. He deserved better. As for Jackie's father, he was ate times a jerk but in the end he grew on me esp with how he handled the affair. Regardless of the romance, it must have been so weird for him......and he did a good job protecting his daughter and coming to terms with everything. A side note.......I did get tired of all the name dropping regarding brands, etc.

Mom's Cooking The Books

Loved Will & Jackie!

This book is amazing! What a beautiful love story about two broken people! The story has the forbidden love aspect, best friend’s & business partner’s daughter, office romance, older man/younger woman, boss/assistant! Whew scotching! Will is 41 and has returned home to Vancouver after his marriage of 15 years’ dissolves. His wife told him on his 39th birthday that she was pregnant with another man’s child and she wanted a divorce. Will was devastated. He tried for 2 years to stay in LA, but he just couldn’t do it anymore. Jackie is now working for her father as Will’s assistant. She always thought Will was handsome, but the last time she saw him she was 15! Now at 25 she can appreciate what an attraction and distraction working for him will be. There is a connection when they meet. Will is so smooth and he sweeps Jackie off her feet. He calls her his dream girl. Swoon! The secondary characters are a riot! Her office manager and the receptionist definitely kept things jumping! There is family drama as Jackie has a strained relationship with her parents and worries her relationship with Will, if it got out, could ruin them both. Her son Ty is a delightful addition to the cast of characters. If you want a sweet, sexy, swoon-worthy romance, then pick up this book! You won’t regret it.


Dream girl she was not.

Before I Met You was a contemporary romance about Will and Jackie. Jackie knew Will from when she was a teenager when he joined their family for holiday dinners. Will was much older than Jackie. He was the VP at the Vancouver office and Jackie was his executive assistant. Ted was his partner and friend. He was also Jackie's father and boss. Before I Met You was told in alternating POV's between the main characters: Will and Jackie. The story included several minor characters that did not add much to the story. The story was set in Vancouver, Canada. The characters worked at Mad Men Studios where they worked in animation. The work environment and location did not add anything to the story either. The attraction was instant. But for me it was not. Even though, they knew each other from years prior I still had some catching up to do. They had an easy camaraderie despite the age difference. The friendship and working relationship was smooth and believable, but beyond that I was missing the words used to illustrate more. I could not bridge the gap I felt. The spark was not their for me. Jackie was a single mom raising her seven year old son. She was trusting and spontaneous with very little hesitation. She recently moved back in with her parents. Will was kind and thoughtful. Will recently moved to Canada from LA. Karina held my interest with her opening chapters but I quickly lost interest in trying to build a relationship with the boss and the employee. Nothing against this type of relationship. The barriers created to try to dissuade them were not even issues of concern. Jackie's character was a problem for me. She was too insecure. Not enough past knowledge was given other then her ex to truly understand her character. Jackie was attractive with references made about her body shape and size which I found unnecessary. The premise to make Jackie insecure and oblivious to being attractive irritated me. Not to mention her being stubborn and refusing help from her parents. She seemed too trusting or sheltered to have been subjected to such behavior from one bad experience with a guy. Will's character was great, yet I had a hard time believing his divorce devastated him in the manner that Jackie kept referencing to. I think Sasha's comment about kids was far more revealing than the cheating. I was not a fan of the employees making lewd comments about Will at work. I could not put myself in Karina's fantasy. Her dream guy was not my dream guy and Jackie definitely was not my dream girl. Between the nicknames, the lewd comments, and the sex scenes I became annoyed with the story and the characters. Maybe I needed more information about Will and Jackie prior to them working together. I needed reference material from their past to determine what kind of character they were. I wish Karina's fantasy was one I could share with her but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to bond over these characters. I thought Karina made too much fuss over Will being her boss, her father's friend, and being well endowed. Jackie seemed to be hung up on her own insecurities. I felt Katina built up this plot about the boss and employee, father and best friend, and older guy-younger lady concept only to discover this was all irrelevant. The sex scenes were missing passion and angst. There was lust and hunger in a sloppy attempt to show determination. Karina did not use the words I needed to bond with these characters. The biggest barrier was Jackie's concern for approval. Yet Karina crossed lines every step of the way proving Jackie was careless rather then cautious and careful. The sex scenes were a prime example of the carelessness. The more I read the less I liked the main characters. Will became childish with his nicknames and flirty banter. I saw an older man attracted to a young curvy girl who was easy to conquer. The prior friendship made it easy to cross lines and build trust. There was nothing solid in the relationship other than hungry sex appeal.


A classic romance

This is a beautiful romance that you will easily get swept away in the story of these two wonderful characters. Oh will, Will make you swoon! The ending will leave you with a feel good smile.

Red 80

Makes you believe in love 🔥

Once again Karina Halle delivers a wonderful book📖. I love Will and Jackie (where this a Will there is a way & Just Jackie). Will is amazing male character, he is a sexy gentleman, he is bossy (alpha) and most importantly in spite of trials and tribulations in his life, he meets Jackie... As the heroine, Jackie doesn't disappoint, she needs to be loved whether she knows it or not. If you haven't read any of Karina Halle's awesome books this is the perfect book to start with, it's standalone. Before I Ever Met You will become the book you read again whenever you're in a book slump. It has everything from beginning to end.


I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last.

The main characters in this book are both looking for a fresh start. Will is recently divorced and events have led Jackie to become a single mom. They both have ties to Vancouver and find themselves there in hope of healing and second chances at life. Will is Jackie's dad's younger business partner. He had been running the LA office. Now that he is back, he finds himself in need of executive assistant. Jackie's dad hires her to be his assistant. Jackie and Will haven't seen each other in years. On Jackie's first day, Will finds himself in shock that Jackie isn't that young girl that he once knew. Will is so dreamy and swoon worthy. He may be a little older, but he is a fit gentleman with a thick head of hair and a tendency to not wear underwear. Seeing Will interact with Jackie's son makes him that much more lovable. Jackie is a young, single mom that just wants to prove herself to the world. Her main worry is making a better life for her son. She is so real and relatable. I love her girlfriends at the office. They make me laugh and wish I had them at my work. Karina Halle does it again. This book is so good!!! I loved reading Will and Jackie's story. It was sweet, sexy, and breathtaking. I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last. Before I Ever Met You is one of those books you just know is going to be amazing from just reading the prologue. I hope you snap it up and enjoy it was much as I did.

Letoltes Before I Ever Met You By Karina Halle Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

I first met William McAlister when I was just a teenager.
He was handsome, had a beautiful wife and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner. Mr. McAlister was full of smooth charm, but back then he was barely a blip on my radar. Just a family friend.
Fast forward ten years: I’m 25 years old and a single mom trying to make things right for her seven-year old son. I’ve made some mistakes, grappled with my demons and now I’m back in the city of Vancouver, getting a second chance at a better life.
I’ve started by working for my father’s production company as an executive assistant. My first day on the job and I already know I could have a promising career there.
That is until I see Will McAlister for the first time in a decade.
Now recently divorced and as sophisticated as always, Will has gone from being my father’s friend and business partner to something so much more.
We’re both older, for one thing, and he just oozes this worldly confidence and stark sexuality. Combined with his tall, muscular build and sharp suits, strong jaw and bedroom eyes, Will has turned into one hell of a distraction.
A distraction I’m having a hard time staying away from, considering his office is right across from my desk and I work with him in such close proximity.
But it’s just a harmless crush, right?
It’s just an innocent fantasy of screwing him on his desk, right?
It can’t ever be more because he’s my father’s best friend, business partner, and my boss.



Sweet Romance

Jackie left her posh home young and wild. She lost touch with her family and made some bad decisions. Now she's returned as a twenty-something single mom trying to get her life back on track. She's a pretty good person and tries to be a great mom for her son. Will is Jackie's father's business partner. His life had some bumps not too far in the past so he's settling also. He hires Jackie to be his assistant. Will is a wonderful man. He doesn't trash talk his ex even if he might have a reason to do so. He's 100% behind Jackie in every step she makes. He encourages and stands up for her. He loves her son and steps right into the perfect father-figure role before even making any moves toward mom. Will is the dreamboat every woman wants inside and out. If you're in the mood for something sweet, Before I Ever Met You may be right up your alley.


The best hero ever!

I couldn't wait for this book.....and when I got my hands on it, I read it in one day. It is definitely on of Halle's lighter books. It is a forbidden/big age gap romance with swoon worthy hero. Will is the ultimate book boyfriend! He does not have one misstep in the book......he also lays his heart right out there for the heroine. With the way he was betrayed in the prologue, one wouldn't blame him for being guarded regarding Jackie. But he doesn't let his past define what he has with Jackie and I love that about him. It's pretty rare in romance books where the H just says what's in his heart right away. One reviewer said it was a lushly romantic book and I couldn't agree more. The heroine has her issues with the past......parents/ex. And as much as I liked her, she did bug me too with all her wavering/ push-pull emotions and actions toward Will. He deserved better. As for Jackie's father, he was ate times a jerk but in the end he grew on me esp with how he handled the affair. Regardless of the romance, it must have been so weird for him......and he did a good job protecting his daughter and coming to terms with everything. A side note.......I did get tired of all the name dropping regarding brands, etc.

Mom's Cooking The Books

Loved Will & Jackie!

This book is amazing! What a beautiful love story about two broken people! The story has the forbidden love aspect, best friend’s & business partner’s daughter, office romance, older man/younger woman, boss/assistant! Whew scotching! Will is 41 and has returned home to Vancouver after his marriage of 15 years’ dissolves. His wife told him on his 39th birthday that she was pregnant with another man’s child and she wanted a divorce. Will was devastated. He tried for 2 years to stay in LA, but he just couldn’t do it anymore. Jackie is now working for her father as Will’s assistant. She always thought Will was handsome, but the last time she saw him she was 15! Now at 25 she can appreciate what an attraction and distraction working for him will be. There is a connection when they meet. Will is so smooth and he sweeps Jackie off her feet. He calls her his dream girl. Swoon! The secondary characters are a riot! Her office manager and the receptionist definitely kept things jumping! There is family drama as Jackie has a strained relationship with her parents and worries her relationship with Will, if it got out, could ruin them both. Her son Ty is a delightful addition to the cast of characters. If you want a sweet, sexy, swoon-worthy romance, then pick up this book! You won’t regret it.


Dream girl she was not.

Before I Met You was a contemporary romance about Will and Jackie. Jackie knew Will from when she was a teenager when he joined their family for holiday dinners. Will was much older than Jackie. He was the VP at the Vancouver office and Jackie was his executive assistant. Ted was his partner and friend. He was also Jackie's father and boss. Before I Met You was told in alternating POV's between the main characters: Will and Jackie. The story included several minor characters that did not add much to the story. The story was set in Vancouver, Canada. The characters worked at Mad Men Studios where they worked in animation. The work environment and location did not add anything to the story either. The attraction was instant. But for me it was not. Even though, they knew each other from years prior I still had some catching up to do. They had an easy camaraderie despite the age difference. The friendship and working relationship was smooth and believable, but beyond that I was missing the words used to illustrate more. I could not bridge the gap I felt. The spark was not their for me. Jackie was a single mom raising her seven year old son. She was trusting and spontaneous with very little hesitation. She recently moved back in with her parents. Will was kind and thoughtful. Will recently moved to Canada from LA. Karina held my interest with her opening chapters but I quickly lost interest in trying to build a relationship with the boss and the employee. Nothing against this type of relationship. The barriers created to try to dissuade them were not even issues of concern. Jackie's character was a problem for me. She was too insecure. Not enough past knowledge was given other then her ex to truly understand her character. Jackie was attractive with references made about her body shape and size which I found unnecessary. The premise to make Jackie insecure and oblivious to being attractive irritated me. Not to mention her being stubborn and refusing help from her parents. She seemed too trusting or sheltered to have been subjected to such behavior from one bad experience with a guy. Will's character was great, yet I had a hard time believing his divorce devastated him in the manner that Jackie kept referencing to. I think Sasha's comment about kids was far more revealing than the cheating. I was not a fan of the employees making lewd comments about Will at work. I could not put myself in Karina's fantasy. Her dream guy was not my dream guy and Jackie definitely was not my dream girl. Between the nicknames, the lewd comments, and the sex scenes I became annoyed with the story and the characters. Maybe I needed more information about Will and Jackie prior to them working together. I needed reference material from their past to determine what kind of character they were. I wish Karina's fantasy was one I could share with her but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to bond over these characters. I thought Karina made too much fuss over Will being her boss, her father's friend, and being well endowed. Jackie seemed to be hung up on her own insecurities. I felt Katina built up this plot about the boss and employee, father and best friend, and older guy-younger lady concept only to discover this was all irrelevant. The sex scenes were missing passion and angst. There was lust and hunger in a sloppy attempt to show determination. Karina did not use the words I needed to bond with these characters. The biggest barrier was Jackie's concern for approval. Yet Karina crossed lines every step of the way proving Jackie was careless rather then cautious and careful. The sex scenes were a prime example of the carelessness. The more I read the less I liked the main characters. Will became childish with his nicknames and flirty banter. I saw an older man attracted to a young curvy girl who was easy to conquer. The prior friendship made it easy to cross lines and build trust. There was nothing solid in the relationship other than hungry sex appeal.


A classic romance

This is a beautiful romance that you will easily get swept away in the story of these two wonderful characters. Oh will, Will make you swoon! The ending will leave you with a feel good smile.

Red 80

Makes you believe in love 🔥

Once again Karina Halle delivers a wonderful book📖. I love Will and Jackie (where this a Will there is a way & Just Jackie). Will is amazing male character, he is a sexy gentleman, he is bossy (alpha) and most importantly in spite of trials and tribulations in his life, he meets Jackie... As the heroine, Jackie doesn't disappoint, she needs to be loved whether she knows it or not. If you haven't read any of Karina Halle's awesome books this is the perfect book to start with, it's standalone. Before I Ever Met You will become the book you read again whenever you're in a book slump. It has everything from beginning to end.


I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last.

The main characters in this book are both looking for a fresh start. Will is recently divorced and events have led Jackie to become a single mom. They both have ties to Vancouver and find themselves there in hope of healing and second chances at life. Will is Jackie's dad's younger business partner. He had been running the LA office. Now that he is back, he finds himself in need of executive assistant. Jackie's dad hires her to be his assistant. Jackie and Will haven't seen each other in years. On Jackie's first day, Will finds himself in shock that Jackie isn't that young girl that he once knew. Will is so dreamy and swoon worthy. He may be a little older, but he is a fit gentleman with a thick head of hair and a tendency to not wear underwear. Seeing Will interact with Jackie's son makes him that much more lovable. Jackie is a young, single mom that just wants to prove herself to the world. Her main worry is making a better life for her son. She is so real and relatable. I love her girlfriends at the office. They make me laugh and wish I had them at my work. Karina Halle does it again. This book is so good!!! I loved reading Will and Jackie's story. It was sweet, sexy, and breathtaking. I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last. Before I Ever Met You is one of those books you just know is going to be amazing from just reading the prologue. I hope you snap it up and enjoy it was much as I did.

Letoltes Before I Ever Met You By Karina Halle Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

I first met William McAlister when I was just a teenager.
He was handsome, had a beautiful wife and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner. Mr. McAlister was full of smooth charm, but back then he was barely a blip on my radar. Just a family friend.
Fast forward ten years: I’m 25 years old and a single mom trying to make things right for her seven-year old son. I’ve made some mistakes, grappled with my demons and now I’m back in the city of Vancouver, getting a second chance at a better life.
I’ve started by working for my father’s production company as an executive assistant. My first day on the job and I already know I could have a promising career there.
That is until I see Will McAlister for the first time in a decade.
Now recently divorced and as sophisticated as always, Will has gone from being my father’s friend and business partner to something so much more.
We’re both older, for one thing, and he just oozes this worldly confidence and stark sexuality. Combined with his tall, muscular build and sharp suits, strong jaw and bedroom eyes, Will has turned into one hell of a distraction.
A distraction I’m having a hard time staying away from, considering his office is right across from my desk and I work with him in such close proximity.
But it’s just a harmless crush, right?
It’s just an innocent fantasy of screwing him on his desk, right?
It can’t ever be more because he’s my father’s best friend, business partner, and my boss.



Sweet Romance

Jackie left her posh home young and wild. She lost touch with her family and made some bad decisions. Now she's returned as a twenty-something single mom trying to get her life back on track. She's a pretty good person and tries to be a great mom for her son. Will is Jackie's father's business partner. His life had some bumps not too far in the past so he's settling also. He hires Jackie to be his assistant. Will is a wonderful man. He doesn't trash talk his ex even if he might have a reason to do so. He's 100% behind Jackie in every step she makes. He encourages and stands up for her. He loves her son and steps right into the perfect father-figure role before even making any moves toward mom. Will is the dreamboat every woman wants inside and out. If you're in the mood for something sweet, Before I Ever Met You may be right up your alley.


The best hero ever!

I couldn't wait for this book.....and when I got my hands on it, I read it in one day. It is definitely on of Halle's lighter books. It is a forbidden/big age gap romance with swoon worthy hero. Will is the ultimate book boyfriend! He does not have one misstep in the book......he also lays his heart right out there for the heroine. With the way he was betrayed in the prologue, one wouldn't blame him for being guarded regarding Jackie. But he doesn't let his past define what he has with Jackie and I love that about him. It's pretty rare in romance books where the H just says what's in his heart right away. One reviewer said it was a lushly romantic book and I couldn't agree more. The heroine has her issues with the past......parents/ex. And as much as I liked her, she did bug me too with all her wavering/ push-pull emotions and actions toward Will. He deserved better. As for Jackie's father, he was ate times a jerk but in the end he grew on me esp with how he handled the affair. Regardless of the romance, it must have been so weird for him......and he did a good job protecting his daughter and coming to terms with everything. A side note.......I did get tired of all the name dropping regarding brands, etc.

Mom's Cooking The Books

Loved Will & Jackie!

This book is amazing! What a beautiful love story about two broken people! The story has the forbidden love aspect, best friend’s & business partner’s daughter, office romance, older man/younger woman, boss/assistant! Whew scotching! Will is 41 and has returned home to Vancouver after his marriage of 15 years’ dissolves. His wife told him on his 39th birthday that she was pregnant with another man’s child and she wanted a divorce. Will was devastated. He tried for 2 years to stay in LA, but he just couldn’t do it anymore. Jackie is now working for her father as Will’s assistant. She always thought Will was handsome, but the last time she saw him she was 15! Now at 25 she can appreciate what an attraction and distraction working for him will be. There is a connection when they meet. Will is so smooth and he sweeps Jackie off her feet. He calls her his dream girl. Swoon! The secondary characters are a riot! Her office manager and the receptionist definitely kept things jumping! There is family drama as Jackie has a strained relationship with her parents and worries her relationship with Will, if it got out, could ruin them both. Her son Ty is a delightful addition to the cast of characters. If you want a sweet, sexy, swoon-worthy romance, then pick up this book! You won’t regret it.


Dream girl she was not.

Before I Met You was a contemporary romance about Will and Jackie. Jackie knew Will from when she was a teenager when he joined their family for holiday dinners. Will was much older than Jackie. He was the VP at the Vancouver office and Jackie was his executive assistant. Ted was his partner and friend. He was also Jackie's father and boss. Before I Met You was told in alternating POV's between the main characters: Will and Jackie. The story included several minor characters that did not add much to the story. The story was set in Vancouver, Canada. The characters worked at Mad Men Studios where they worked in animation. The work environment and location did not add anything to the story either. The attraction was instant. But for me it was not. Even though, they knew each other from years prior I still had some catching up to do. They had an easy camaraderie despite the age difference. The friendship and working relationship was smooth and believable, but beyond that I was missing the words used to illustrate more. I could not bridge the gap I felt. The spark was not their for me. Jackie was a single mom raising her seven year old son. She was trusting and spontaneous with very little hesitation. She recently moved back in with her parents. Will was kind and thoughtful. Will recently moved to Canada from LA. Karina held my interest with her opening chapters but I quickly lost interest in trying to build a relationship with the boss and the employee. Nothing against this type of relationship. The barriers created to try to dissuade them were not even issues of concern. Jackie's character was a problem for me. She was too insecure. Not enough past knowledge was given other then her ex to truly understand her character. Jackie was attractive with references made about her body shape and size which I found unnecessary. The premise to make Jackie insecure and oblivious to being attractive irritated me. Not to mention her being stubborn and refusing help from her parents. She seemed too trusting or sheltered to have been subjected to such behavior from one bad experience with a guy. Will's character was great, yet I had a hard time believing his divorce devastated him in the manner that Jackie kept referencing to. I think Sasha's comment about kids was far more revealing than the cheating. I was not a fan of the employees making lewd comments about Will at work. I could not put myself in Karina's fantasy. Her dream guy was not my dream guy and Jackie definitely was not my dream girl. Between the nicknames, the lewd comments, and the sex scenes I became annoyed with the story and the characters. Maybe I needed more information about Will and Jackie prior to them working together. I needed reference material from their past to determine what kind of character they were. I wish Karina's fantasy was one I could share with her but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to bond over these characters. I thought Karina made too much fuss over Will being her boss, her father's friend, and being well endowed. Jackie seemed to be hung up on her own insecurities. I felt Katina built up this plot about the boss and employee, father and best friend, and older guy-younger lady concept only to discover this was all irrelevant. The sex scenes were missing passion and angst. There was lust and hunger in a sloppy attempt to show determination. Karina did not use the words I needed to bond with these characters. The biggest barrier was Jackie's concern for approval. Yet Karina crossed lines every step of the way proving Jackie was careless rather then cautious and careful. The sex scenes were a prime example of the carelessness. The more I read the less I liked the main characters. Will became childish with his nicknames and flirty banter. I saw an older man attracted to a young curvy girl who was easy to conquer. The prior friendship made it easy to cross lines and build trust. There was nothing solid in the relationship other than hungry sex appeal.


A classic romance

This is a beautiful romance that you will easily get swept away in the story of these two wonderful characters. Oh will, Will make you swoon! The ending will leave you with a feel good smile.

Red 80

Makes you believe in love 🔥

Once again Karina Halle delivers a wonderful book📖. I love Will and Jackie (where this a Will there is a way & Just Jackie). Will is amazing male character, he is a sexy gentleman, he is bossy (alpha) and most importantly in spite of trials and tribulations in his life, he meets Jackie... As the heroine, Jackie doesn't disappoint, she needs to be loved whether she knows it or not. If you haven't read any of Karina Halle's awesome books this is the perfect book to start with, it's standalone. Before I Ever Met You will become the book you read again whenever you're in a book slump. It has everything from beginning to end.


I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last.

The main characters in this book are both looking for a fresh start. Will is recently divorced and events have led Jackie to become a single mom. They both have ties to Vancouver and find themselves there in hope of healing and second chances at life. Will is Jackie's dad's younger business partner. He had been running the LA office. Now that he is back, he finds himself in need of executive assistant. Jackie's dad hires her to be his assistant. Jackie and Will haven't seen each other in years. On Jackie's first day, Will finds himself in shock that Jackie isn't that young girl that he once knew. Will is so dreamy and swoon worthy. He may be a little older, but he is a fit gentleman with a thick head of hair and a tendency to not wear underwear. Seeing Will interact with Jackie's son makes him that much more lovable. Jackie is a young, single mom that just wants to prove herself to the world. Her main worry is making a better life for her son. She is so real and relatable. I love her girlfriends at the office. They make me laugh and wish I had them at my work. Karina Halle does it again. This book is so good!!! I loved reading Will and Jackie's story. It was sweet, sexy, and breathtaking. I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last. Before I Ever Met You is one of those books you just know is going to be amazing from just reading the prologue. I hope you snap it up and enjoy it was much as I did.

Letoltes Before I Ever Met You By Karina Halle Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

I first met William McAlister when I was just a teenager.
He was handsome, had a beautiful wife and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner. Mr. McAlister was full of smooth charm, but back then he was barely a blip on my radar. Just a family friend.
Fast forward ten years: I’m 25 years old and a single mom trying to make things right for her seven-year old son. I’ve made some mistakes, grappled with my demons and now I’m back in the city of Vancouver, getting a second chance at a better life.
I’ve started by working for my father’s production company as an executive assistant. My first day on the job and I already know I could have a promising career there.
That is until I see Will McAlister for the first time in a decade.
Now recently divorced and as sophisticated as always, Will has gone from being my father’s friend and business partner to something so much more.
We’re both older, for one thing, and he just oozes this worldly confidence and stark sexuality. Combined with his tall, muscular build and sharp suits, strong jaw and bedroom eyes, Will has turned into one hell of a distraction.
A distraction I’m having a hard time staying away from, considering his office is right across from my desk and I work with him in such close proximity.
But it’s just a harmless crush, right?
It’s just an innocent fantasy of screwing him on his desk, right?
It can’t ever be more because he’s my father’s best friend, business partner, and my boss.



Sweet Romance

Jackie left her posh home young and wild. She lost touch with her family and made some bad decisions. Now she's returned as a twenty-something single mom trying to get her life back on track. She's a pretty good person and tries to be a great mom for her son. Will is Jackie's father's business partner. His life had some bumps not too far in the past so he's settling also. He hires Jackie to be his assistant. Will is a wonderful man. He doesn't trash talk his ex even if he might have a reason to do so. He's 100% behind Jackie in every step she makes. He encourages and stands up for her. He loves her son and steps right into the perfect father-figure role before even making any moves toward mom. Will is the dreamboat every woman wants inside and out. If you're in the mood for something sweet, Before I Ever Met You may be right up your alley.


The best hero ever!

I couldn't wait for this book.....and when I got my hands on it, I read it in one day. It is definitely on of Halle's lighter books. It is a forbidden/big age gap romance with swoon worthy hero. Will is the ultimate book boyfriend! He does not have one misstep in the book......he also lays his heart right out there for the heroine. With the way he was betrayed in the prologue, one wouldn't blame him for being guarded regarding Jackie. But he doesn't let his past define what he has with Jackie and I love that about him. It's pretty rare in romance books where the H just says what's in his heart right away. One reviewer said it was a lushly romantic book and I couldn't agree more. The heroine has her issues with the past......parents/ex. And as much as I liked her, she did bug me too with all her wavering/ push-pull emotions and actions toward Will. He deserved better. As for Jackie's father, he was ate times a jerk but in the end he grew on me esp with how he handled the affair. Regardless of the romance, it must have been so weird for him......and he did a good job protecting his daughter and coming to terms with everything. A side note.......I did get tired of all the name dropping regarding brands, etc.

Mom's Cooking The Books

Loved Will & Jackie!

This book is amazing! What a beautiful love story about two broken people! The story has the forbidden love aspect, best friend’s & business partner’s daughter, office romance, older man/younger woman, boss/assistant! Whew scotching! Will is 41 and has returned home to Vancouver after his marriage of 15 years’ dissolves. His wife told him on his 39th birthday that she was pregnant with another man’s child and she wanted a divorce. Will was devastated. He tried for 2 years to stay in LA, but he just couldn’t do it anymore. Jackie is now working for her father as Will’s assistant. She always thought Will was handsome, but the last time she saw him she was 15! Now at 25 she can appreciate what an attraction and distraction working for him will be. There is a connection when they meet. Will is so smooth and he sweeps Jackie off her feet. He calls her his dream girl. Swoon! The secondary characters are a riot! Her office manager and the receptionist definitely kept things jumping! There is family drama as Jackie has a strained relationship with her parents and worries her relationship with Will, if it got out, could ruin them both. Her son Ty is a delightful addition to the cast of characters. If you want a sweet, sexy, swoon-worthy romance, then pick up this book! You won’t regret it.


Dream girl she was not.

Before I Met You was a contemporary romance about Will and Jackie. Jackie knew Will from when she was a teenager when he joined their family for holiday dinners. Will was much older than Jackie. He was the VP at the Vancouver office and Jackie was his executive assistant. Ted was his partner and friend. He was also Jackie's father and boss. Before I Met You was told in alternating POV's between the main characters: Will and Jackie. The story included several minor characters that did not add much to the story. The story was set in Vancouver, Canada. The characters worked at Mad Men Studios where they worked in animation. The work environment and location did not add anything to the story either. The attraction was instant. But for me it was not. Even though, they knew each other from years prior I still had some catching up to do. They had an easy camaraderie despite the age difference. The friendship and working relationship was smooth and believable, but beyond that I was missing the words used to illustrate more. I could not bridge the gap I felt. The spark was not their for me. Jackie was a single mom raising her seven year old son. She was trusting and spontaneous with very little hesitation. She recently moved back in with her parents. Will was kind and thoughtful. Will recently moved to Canada from LA. Karina held my interest with her opening chapters but I quickly lost interest in trying to build a relationship with the boss and the employee. Nothing against this type of relationship. The barriers created to try to dissuade them were not even issues of concern. Jackie's character was a problem for me. She was too insecure. Not enough past knowledge was given other then her ex to truly understand her character. Jackie was attractive with references made about her body shape and size which I found unnecessary. The premise to make Jackie insecure and oblivious to being attractive irritated me. Not to mention her being stubborn and refusing help from her parents. She seemed too trusting or sheltered to have been subjected to such behavior from one bad experience with a guy. Will's character was great, yet I had a hard time believing his divorce devastated him in the manner that Jackie kept referencing to. I think Sasha's comment about kids was far more revealing than the cheating. I was not a fan of the employees making lewd comments about Will at work. I could not put myself in Karina's fantasy. Her dream guy was not my dream guy and Jackie definitely was not my dream girl. Between the nicknames, the lewd comments, and the sex scenes I became annoyed with the story and the characters. Maybe I needed more information about Will and Jackie prior to them working together. I needed reference material from their past to determine what kind of character they were. I wish Karina's fantasy was one I could share with her but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to bond over these characters. I thought Karina made too much fuss over Will being her boss, her father's friend, and being well endowed. Jackie seemed to be hung up on her own insecurities. I felt Katina built up this plot about the boss and employee, father and best friend, and older guy-younger lady concept only to discover this was all irrelevant. The sex scenes were missing passion and angst. There was lust and hunger in a sloppy attempt to show determination. Karina did not use the words I needed to bond with these characters. The biggest barrier was Jackie's concern for approval. Yet Karina crossed lines every step of the way proving Jackie was careless rather then cautious and careful. The sex scenes were a prime example of the carelessness. The more I read the less I liked the main characters. Will became childish with his nicknames and flirty banter. I saw an older man attracted to a young curvy girl who was easy to conquer. The prior friendship made it easy to cross lines and build trust. There was nothing solid in the relationship other than hungry sex appeal.


A classic romance

This is a beautiful romance that you will easily get swept away in the story of these two wonderful characters. Oh will, Will make you swoon! The ending will leave you with a feel good smile.

Red 80

Makes you believe in love 🔥

Once again Karina Halle delivers a wonderful book📖. I love Will and Jackie (where this a Will there is a way & Just Jackie). Will is amazing male character, he is a sexy gentleman, he is bossy (alpha) and most importantly in spite of trials and tribulations in his life, he meets Jackie... As the heroine, Jackie doesn't disappoint, she needs to be loved whether she knows it or not. If you haven't read any of Karina Halle's awesome books this is the perfect book to start with, it's standalone. Before I Ever Met You will become the book you read again whenever you're in a book slump. It has everything from beginning to end.


I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last.

The main characters in this book are both looking for a fresh start. Will is recently divorced and events have led Jackie to become a single mom. They both have ties to Vancouver and find themselves there in hope of healing and second chances at life. Will is Jackie's dad's younger business partner. He had been running the LA office. Now that he is back, he finds himself in need of executive assistant. Jackie's dad hires her to be his assistant. Jackie and Will haven't seen each other in years. On Jackie's first day, Will finds himself in shock that Jackie isn't that young girl that he once knew. Will is so dreamy and swoon worthy. He may be a little older, but he is a fit gentleman with a thick head of hair and a tendency to not wear underwear. Seeing Will interact with Jackie's son makes him that much more lovable. Jackie is a young, single mom that just wants to prove herself to the world. Her main worry is making a better life for her son. She is so real and relatable. I love her girlfriends at the office. They make me laugh and wish I had them at my work. Karina Halle does it again. This book is so good!!! I loved reading Will and Jackie's story. It was sweet, sexy, and breathtaking. I enjoyed it from the first sentence to the last. Before I Ever Met You is one of those books you just know is going to be amazing from just reading the prologue. I hope you snap it up and enjoy it was much as I did.


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